density of primes / factors

how dense can a numbers factors be? and how dense are primes?
Measure Theory

Read this if you are interested in any of the following questions: "what is a meausre space?", "what's a set in R that has no well defined inner-measure?" / why do measure spaces need sigma-Algebra's defined on them?", "what's a Lesbegue integral?", "what's Lesbegue's dominated convergence theorem?" (note: work in progress)
Functional Analysis

Build up to, and proof of Projection Theorem. Might also talk about general Banach spaces but probably mostly Hilbert spaces.
property testing "Direct Sum Testing"

Suppose you had a function that was a direct product. Could you tell? Yup.

The fact \sum 1/n^2 = \pi^2/6 is well known and celebrated. In this note we present the simple fourier-analytic proof of this fact.
Lambert-W function Inverse

The lambert-W function $x\mapsto xe^{x}$ turns up surprisingly often. For some reason I always have had a hard time approximating it. Today I finally found the "inequalities" section of the wikipedia page for Lambert-W function, and will share it here.