density of primes / factors


how dense can a numbers factors be? and how dense are primes?

Discrete differential reccurrences


basic physics part 1


Measure Theory


Read this if you are interested in any of the following questions: "what is a meausre space?", "what's a set in R that has no well defined inner-measure?" / why do measure spaces need sigma-Algebra's defined on them?", "what's a Lesbegue integral?", "what's Lesbegue's dominated convergence theorem?" (note: work in progress)

geometry of polynomials


Functional Analysis


Build up to, and proof of Projection Theorem. Might also talk about general Banach spaces but probably mostly Hilbert spaces.



why is Q countable

property testing "Direct Sum Testing"


Suppose you had a function that was a direct product. Could you tell? Yup.

basic topology review part 2


basic complex analysis


part 2 of my series of learning random things for NT.



The fact \sum 1/n^2 = \pi^2/6 is well known and celebrated. In this note we present the simple fourier-analytic proof of this fact.

Lambert-W function Inverse


The lambert-W function $x\mapsto xe^{x}$ turns up surprisingly often. For some reason I always have had a hard time approximating it. Today I finally found the "inequalities" section of the wikipedia page for Lambert-W function, and will share it here.

too many numbers is so big
