
  • A segment tree is a DS that let’s you do things like query for range sums and range maxes in an array (dynamically). This is not at all related to what I talk about today.

  • An interval tree is a DS that stores some intervals, and on a query point returns the set of intervals containing that point.

Interval tree:

def build_interval_tree(intervals):
  middlept = median
  left_intervals = [interval I if I is completely to the left of middlept]
  right_intervals = [ditto but right]
  center_intervals = [intervals that touch the middlept]

  store build_interval_tree(left_intervals)
  store build_interval_tree(right_intervals)
  store sorted list of center_intervals (keyed by left endpoint and by right endpoint).

def handle_query(interval_tree, point):
  wlog let point be to the left of center
  recursively handle_query(left_interval_tree, point)
  list all the center_intervals with start coord before point.

maybe it’s more complicated to make this dynamic?