I need your help!!!

I am trying to decide how to transition from skyspace2.0 to skyspace3.0.

There are two proposals.

proposal 1: Discontinue skyspace2.0.

Ofc I will leave it online, but I will never post on it again. The main reason not to do this is that on the quartz site “skyspace3” it’s less easy to see “what have I been posting lately”. The plan to mitigate this would be to either:

  • keep a list of my favorite recent posts
  • send out an email every month containing my favorite posts

proposal 2: Have both 2.0 and 3.0; use them for different things.

  • My blog (skyspace2.0) is a “LIFO” stack. That is, it’s a place where I will post random things that I’ve been thinking about recently. An example use case would be “I hear a cool idea in a math class, and jot it down”, or “I had an interesting experience I’d like to write about and share”.
  • My wiki (this site) is a graph. It’s a network of interconnected ideas (much thanks to Obsidian and Quartz for making the UX and DevX around this so nice and clean!). I aspire to make this wiki more “timeless” than my blog. Revising posts will be the norm rather than the exception (like it is on my blog).

The main downside is that this makes my stuff be split over two media. This might make sense if it were a math / non-math divide, but it’s not.