Today Zhou thought: do I actually like cooking instant noodles (IN)? Zhou realized that he was more than an IN chef. He could cook IN, but he could also do other cool things. So Zhou went on a hike. And from that day onwards Zhou was a little bit better at deciding what to write on his flashcards.

Post script:

You can choose to view this as the 6th (\(\pm 1\)) installment of the story now titled “October Third: Avacado Noodles?” Which may be theend of Zhou’s story. Although, I hope that I’ve learned something from Zhou’s story, and will keep some compressed version of it in my mind.

Or you can view this post as “good bye to skyspace 2.0”. It’s been over a year. I can truly say that Skyspace2.0 has been a success. But, it’s time for something new. Skyspace3.0 will hopefully be released soon. It might take a week for me to actually figure it out. But the general idea is that I’m going to switch to using Obsidian + Quartz rather than “my janky hand coded compiler”. I’ve recently decided that I really like these tools. Will discuss this more in a coming blog post.

I’m not decided yet about whether I will port the old skyspace posts or maybe even leave skyspace intact.

But the general principle of skyspace3.0 is that it will be higher quality. Practically what this means is, it will just be more organized. I think skyspace2.0 has a couple of posts that are pretty good. e.g., truth. But these get drowned out by notes on various math papers I’m reading or things I hear in math class. Anyways, this might not actually be 100% the end of skyspace2.0, because I have a couple of blog posts that are urgent to write that will probably be posted here. But hopefully in the next few days I’ll get the new system up and running and also hopefully I’ll be able to have some more consistent posting! And hopefully of some interesting content.