Something that I feel pretty strongly about is that technology currently does a lot of harm.
Don’t misunderstand me — obviously there is a lot about technology that is amazing. For instance, the ability to keep a blog and share it with people easily is super cool. Medicine is nice, heating is nice, showers are nice. Technology probably makes it possible to mass-produce food. I like my clothes and generally a ton of conveniences that come from technology. I like that I can call friends and family. I like that there are tools like Calendly that let me schedule meetings with people easily. I like fridges. Modern life is convenient and awesome in lots of ways. Most of all, I like vim and being able to have digital record of my thoughts.
But technology is also extremely harmful. Below, I list harmful technologies, and comment on them.
TV: I don’t actually know anyone that watches TV anymore. Probably you’d have to be at least 70 to do this. And tbh this seems a lot less pernicious than current entertainment. But it still seems bad, because of how passive it is.
todo blah blah why these are bad Streaming services (netflix etc)
Video games
Music? This is a bit more of a hot take, but I’ve recently mostly stopped listening to music when I work. I suspect that music is pretty distracting, even if it’s non-lyrical. I still occasionally listen to music, but usually not when I’m doing work, rather in a setting where I can fully enjoy it and e.g., do “zumba” to it.
todo blah blah
discuss social media and using phones around other ppl.
Random Information
It’s quite easy to get sucked into reading too much stuff on the internet.
I’m going to take a break from the internet for a sec. And maybe a break from the “news” for a longer sec.