I’m honestly not a huge fan of the book — I think it’s pretty confusing. But I don’t know of a better book and it does seem quite comprehensive.
Exponential Families
An exponential family is a set of distributions that can be written in the form
This captures a lot of natural distributions, like Gaussians.
5 info theory
KL(p||q) is the expected weight of evidence for p over q, given true distribution
weight of evidence:
A weird form of KL divergence that I don’t get yet:
data processing for KL: KL decreases if you process rvs
Fisher information matrix:
KL divergence between
Bregman divergence:
Entropy is defined as
7.5.3 EM
I found the books exposition extremely confusing. The below discussion will clarify what’s going on a lot!
We are going to realize some phenomenon several times.
Let’s suppose the phenomenon is
Suppose you wanted to optimize this function. It might be hard because the integral could be intractable.
So, we are going to have a fancy technique for computing this.
First, we need to define the ELBO:
It’s immediate by Jenson’s inequality that
We also define
ok, so why do we care?
It’s going to give us this “EM” algorithm. Which apparently is pretty good. Although I’m not sure yet what it’s theoretical guarantees are in terms of how fast it converges.
E step
- Choose
M step
- Choose
Now suppose we have missing data. #todo you do something else.
Variational inference is the following problem: You have some model
It turns out that this is equivalent to maximizing the ELBO, which is defined as
A comment on the word “variational”:
- it sounds really fancy.
- if it means anything at all, I guess it means “optimizing over a space of fns”.
Now we’re going to discuss VAEs. My understanding is that they have some really clever trick to improve sample efficiency.
I guess we can think of this as a generative model. At least, that’s one reason you might want to build a VAE.
Anyways, we’ll have
We’re going to learn
to approximate
We can fit a VAE via VI.
Hmm, ok they didn’t really have anything to say.