Cooking is probably my favorite form of social interaction. Although walking is pretty good too. Hopefully I will figure out how to insert some kind of google photos album thing here soon.

TODO: Insert pictures of food here.

my recipes

Many people have asked “what’s your secret ingredient.” To quote kung fu panda “the secret ingredient is spinach”

But really, what are my recipes. Here are the minimal versions. If you’re feeling fancy, you can probably add anything you want to them. Especially spinach.

A general recipe

  • just get some random stuff and put it all together, using some combination of boiling, cooking in pan and eating raw.

hash 1

  • shred potatoes
  • add eggs
  • ketchup

hash 2

  • kale / spinach
  • eggs
  • sweet potatoes


  • dough
    • note: dough doesn’t actually have to rise, but if you can rise the dough, probably is a plus
  • sauce
  • onion
    • don’t actually need to saute them

grilled cheese sandwhich with tomato soup

  • bread
  • cheese
  • butter
  • tomato soup

super fancy fire rice

  • sausage (optional)
  • onions
  • fire roasted tomatoes
  • vegetable / chicken broth (cook the rice in this)
  • rice
  • actually there are a lot of spices you are supposed to put in
  • something like Paprika, garlic. check the recipe.

fried rice

  • eggs
  • rice
  • bok choi

shepherd’s pie

  • potatoes
  • carrots
  • onions
  • vegetable broth
  • Note: I think you actually should cook this one.


  • noodles (but not too many)
  • all the vegetables
  • sauce


  • put an egg in it
  • and spinach
  • and onion
  • it’s now fancy

If you are aware of any other recipes plz let me know. especially if they’re not too hard and preferably no meat involved --- in general minimizing the number of ingredients that need to be refrigerated / cannot be safely eaten raw / should not be in my backpack for > 5 hours is a plus. but eggs are kind of ok.