Paul stated some interesting graph theory questions here that he suspected were open.

Talked to Virginia about this — she suspects that these are not actually open.

Acks: thought about this with N.

Basic setup:

  • Randomly choose of size .
  • Connect each person to random people.

Easy mode: two functions

  • LISTEN(ID) — pop the last message sent from person ID from the queue.
  • SEND(ID, msg) — send a message to someone

Hard mode 1:

  • You can only use these functions within the network topology

Hard mode 2:

  • Some people are evil :O
  • maybe need to be a bit careful to define this…

Hard mode 3:

  • hard mode 1 + 2


  1. Choose two people randomly. must send a message to .
  2. Choose pairs of people , all the ‘s must send message to ‘s.

Some thoughts:

Easy mode

Problem 1— it seems like the following thing just works:

  • just broadcast-anate the message throughout the entire graph :)

Problem 2 — Paul described a protocol basically.

  • todo write it down and analyze it

Hard mode 1

Problem 1, broadcasting message to whole graph still works

Problem 2

Let . Here’s a strategy for getting .

We basically

  • chose a set of special guys.

  • assign everyone canonically to a special guy

  • we give each of the special guys a chance to talk to the whole graph (i.e. BFS broadcast) — after this, everyone learns a shortest path to their designated special node.

  • Now, if you have a message for person , you send it to ‘s rep.

  • Next, we repeat the following thing times:

    • each person sends a request for a message to their special node with probability, where by request I mean they send the path they want the message to return along.
    • special node acquiesces.
  • To actually send the messages we just send them our designated special guy, who sends it to recipient’s designated special guy, who sends it to recipient.

todo flesh out details.

Q: Can you “recurse” this strategy?

Here’s an obstacle to “Recursing”:

Locally this kind of random graph is a tree. For instance, if you take the vertices closest to some vertex, then the induced subgraph on this set of vertices is a tree!

remark Nathan had a fun somewhat similar question — You have some cars on the hypercube , they all want to drive somewhere (distinct), Give a locally-computable strategy that achieves congestion and takes time for the drivers. The solution is quite nice:

  • If destinations were random, then just flipping 1 bit at a time in order suffices.
  • If destinations are adversarial, then first route people to random locations!


  • You can’t exchange messages efficiently on a tree :)
  • This indicates that thinking about the problem “locally” isn’t a great idea.