This is a place to post random tiny things that I thought were funny, or insightful whatever. Think of it as my twitter account.
- cursor is so good
- I’m a bit frustrated with this RL project --- but I think it’s good for me to do --- it will give me better intuition for how ML stuff works. this is going to be extremely valuable.
- memory allocation is a big deal — like it can make 100x speed impact on your code if you are reallocating a bunch of memory all the time.
- NEVER spend time trying to optimize code that you haven’t profiled
- You might have some intuition about what parts are bottlenecking
- But you could be totally wrong
- it’s as simple as
import cProfile'main()', 'profile')
import pstats
p = pstats.Stats('profile')
When your loss is a frowny face :‘(
- don’t maximize for peak hardware utilization in humans