Let’s condense the content of goodness(universe) to the following two principles:
- Do good work on cool important problems
- Interact meaningfully with other sentient lifeforms
- Be healthy (ok this is technically auxiliary, but is worth listing anyways)
Ok, so we know
0711: read a lot of permutation avoidance literature; made a fun “relative error supported on subcube” tester.
0712: read a bunch more about permutations. tried to do better permutations.
0713: a good game of bottichelli with fun “abstract” clues
0714: Made banana bread. Had some vaguely promising ideas for analyzing cancelling scheduler.
0715: Maybe got an analysis of 1.5-cancel? at least drew some good pictures and had some interesting ideas. Great property testing meeting. Tons of promising directions for future work.
0716: I worked really hard on diamond test large epsilon case. it didn’t work out, but was still good effort.
0717: typed up a bunch of stuff for property testing project. was really good to solidify what we know. also permutation party!
0718: null (forgot to record)
0719: nice proof of affinity square in cube.
0720: typed up some cycles.
0721: went to the beach. it was pretty good.
0722: had some fake scheduling idea, but was still fun to think about it and had good conversation about it.
0723: thought about direct product test. understood what is going on a bit better.
0725: idea to use induction for diamond test
0727: realized that the induction diamond thing was wrong
0728: “ok lol new idea: analyze a 4-function version of the diamond test”
0729: grinded 4-function hypercontractivity. ~12 hours later it works
0730: grinded diamond writeup
0731: read some DGA
0805: made some good hash browns
0806: made some good pizza.
0807: I think we found a
-competitive vanilla scheduler! (edit: it’s not quite this good, but it’s pretty close) -
0808: came up with some good notation for the scheduling paper :)
0809 zumba; good progress on scheduling paper.
0810 zumba; good progress on scheduling paper
0811 walked around castle island
I think this was a fun idea from the past. might restart keeping a log of good happy things that happen here.
0216 I came up with some research questions! This has been my main goal for it feels like a while now. I’m very happy to have them written down. I guess I had a lot of ideas scattered around. but some are hard so its hard to commit to them.
Luckily I think i’m actually pretty good at optimizing for deliverables. By which I mean now that I have these ideas written down I can
- commit to work on one for a bit
- have a goal of publishing a professional blog post about it
- go do it
- potentially find team-mates to join
- there are so many smart ppl around mit that want to do something to save humanity!
- the following ppl might be down to join a project based on recent conversations:
- DL, SZ, B, CZ, D, probably lots of other ppl too, espec lots of empirical dudes.
Anyways, hyped I am!
Okay I mostly resolved one of the research questions. It seems kind of interesting and nice. There are at least 2 major obstacles for it being useful, but I’m glad I wrote about it, and am excited to try to publish a polished version of this in a bit (eg tmw).
I’m pretty excited to think more about myopia. I think starting with some smaller projects that can be completed in like a week seems like an exciting way to gain traction at which point I can start attacking some more tricky questions.