CAIP has organized a time for college students to talk to people in the white house about AI safety I have no idea why CAIP is doing this — maybe college students are cuter than FTE people working on AI safety. But it’s irrelevant why — this sounds like a great opportunity.

Note — I’m looking for 1-2 people to join my team working on this. If you’ve read AI xrisk, basically buy the argument, care about the future of the universe and are a student, then please contact me and join my team. (I don’t even need help building the demo — although I’d welcome it. I mostly would like to have multiple people at the white house on the “demo day” so we can talk to more white house people).

Anyways here are the specs.

CAIP is inviting college AI safety teams who are interested in presenting during Demo Day to submit a proposal below. Teams are encouraged to design an app, tool, video or website to serve as the focal point of their demonstration.

  1. A unique and creative demonstration of leading-edge AI capabilities.
  2. Ability to demonstrate/articulate how such capabilities could lead to potentially harmful or destructive outcomes for people, vital infrastructure and/or society  Demonstrations can include but should not be limited to: voice emulation, video creation, prediction/forecasting, writing, robotics, tool use, cyber capabilities, biological research etc. We encourage teams to be as creative and expansive as possible.

initial thoughts — somehow talk about alignment faking paper.

  • can i get a demo of this in o3?
  • how to get access to hidden scratchpad?