Note: I’ll phrase thelife advice here as advice to myself, but I suspect that it’s pretty good advice for you as well.

Claim: I should seek to fill my life with more quality-adjusted-seconds-spent-socializing.


  • This is literally part of the objective — one of my terminal values.
  • It can lead to new opportunities.
  • It tends to increase my happiness.
  • It is helpful in clarifying ideas.

Q: Why is this post called “taking social initiative”?

Because my default mode of being is not well calibrated to how important I think this is: I still feel some level of resistance to initiating social interactions. (Although I’ve definitely seen personal progress here, and it feels like a tractable problem).

What cognitive distortions cause this?

  • Worry that I’m inconveniencing people.
  • ”Fear of being rejected”.
    • This implicitly is rooted in a need for external validation / an aversion to invalidation.
  • Sometimes a worry of “I don’t haven’t been particularly productive today and don’t want to have to admit this to someone”.

Bad methods for dealing with this:

  • Thinking that other people are responsible for initiating social interactions with me.
  • Avoiding social interactions.
  • Worrying about whether I’m inconveniencing someone, and then having to overcome this to initiate social interaction.
    • I think it’d be way better — for all parties — if I was not worried about this, and default expected people to say yes. While of course also not being perturbed if they say no.
  • Another bad method I sometimes employ is trying to prevent “pain of rejection” by pre-committing to not being too sad if someone says no to a social invitation. More specifically, this is bad if my method for doing this is devaluing the interaction — like saying “I won’t be too disappointed if this interaction with person X doesn’t pan out, because I wasn’t even that excited to see them”.

Better methods for dealing with this

Q: tell me more about the “quality-adjusted” part of quality-adjusted-seconds-spent-socializing

todo add better questions to questions to connect