Recently I consumed the content of the online course “Introduction to Statistical Learning” By Hastie, Tibshirani.

This book is mostly about statistical methods, which seem to fall mostly into the supervised learning category of machine learning, where you have labelled data. This is as opposed to

  • semi-supervised learning: you make your own labeled data
  • unsupervised learning: no labels, do clustering

Some of the statistical methods discussed in the course are:

basic models

  • linear regression

    • one way to make this more powerful is “feature expansion” e.g., adding X^2 or XY as new variables
    • in a sense logistic regression is also a form of linear regression: you’re doing linear regression to fit the log-likelihood
  • K nearest neighbors

misc stuff

  • There was this thing called Linear Discriminant Analysis

    • I think it just amounts to using Baye’s rule with a gaussian prior
  • Naive Bayes: make some independence assumption

general ideas

  • Bias variance tradeoff is a big deal:

    • This basically means, if you increase model complexity then you can get better training set performance, but this has drawbacks.
    • If you overfit to the training set, then you get better training set performance at the cost of test set performance (which is what you actually care about)
  • One approach to deciding how you’re doing on this tradeoff seems to be validation / cross-validation

    • In validation you set apart some of the data, train on part of the data and then validate on the rest of the data.
    • In cross validation you partition your data, and try leaving out each part.
  • This seems to be the method of choice for deciding how to tune hyper-parameters

  • bootstrapping:

    • sample from your data with replacement
    • I think this is useful in getting an idea of the variance of your estimates
    • i.e., computing standard errors and confidence intervals

tree based methods

Note that in a lot of the tree based methods there is some idea of building up a tree and then pruning it later. The intuition is that bushy trees are “overfitting”, but if we average many of these then it’s fine because the averaging helps our variance.

  • Most obvious one is you just literally make a decision tree

    • This is nice because it has high interpretability
  • bagging: form B different bootstrapped versions of the data, and train a tree decision model on each, and then average the predictions

  • random forest: it’s like bagging but in each of the different tree decision models that you’re training you randomly select a small subset of coordinates that they are allowed to split on at each step. This helps to de-correlate the trees. Maybe similar intuition for why dropout works.

  • boosting: iteratively fit trees to residuals

  • BART: you form a sequence of many trees in parallel by doing some kind of random walks (perturbing the trees). Then you average over time and space (minus a short burn-in period at the beginning).


Basic version is to make a “maximal margin separating hyperplane”. That is, find the separating hyperplane that maximizes the minimum distances from both classes to the hyperplane.

This is a little brittle, because what if there’s some noise so you can’t really actually separate. So, more commonly is to have a kind of “soft-margin”: we have some budget of how close people are allowed to be to the separating hyperplane.

rmk: using kernels (transforming the data) can be a good idea

survival analysis


unsupervised learning


  • matrix completion
  • PCA
  • k-means

things that are not covered in this course, but could be interesting to learn about later:

  • NLP
  • CV
  • RL
  • causal inference
  • time series stuff
  • deep learning (encompasses RNNs and CNNs)

Anyways, I thought a good way to review some of these statistical methods would be to see what they can do on MNIST.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
df = pd.read_csv("mnist_train.csv", header=None)
df_test = pd.read_csv("mnist_test.csv", header=None)
with a multi-class classification problem there are three main methods I know of:
- Do OVO (1v1 matches), then assign to the most commonly assigned class
- Do OVA (1 vs all matches). That is, for each class you try to detect is class X vs is not class X
- Estimate all the probabilities. This usually involves doing a softmax. 
For simplicity, let's start with a two-class problem
fives = df[df[0] == 5].values[:, 1:]
threes = df[df[0] == 3].values[:, 1:]
X = np.concatenate((fives, threes))
Y = np.concatenate((np.zeros(len(fives)), np.ones(len(threes))))
fives_test = df_test[df_test[0] == 5].values[:, 1:]
threes_test = df_test[df_test[0] == 3].values[:, 1:]
X_test = np.concatenate((fives_test, threes_test))
Y_test = np.concatenate((np.zeros(len(fives_test)), np.ones(len(threes_test))))
def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def loss(w, b):
    class1 = -Y @ np.log(sigmoid(X @ w.T + b))
    class0 = -(1 - Y) @ np.log(sigmoid(-(X @ w.T + b)))
    return round(np.average(class1 + class0), 2)
model = LogisticRegression()
# presumably this is doing gradient descent to optimize my loss function, Y)
# LR_loss = loss(model.coef_, model.intercept_)
train_error = sum(model.predict(X) != Y) / len(Y)
test_error = sum(model.predict(X_test) != Y_test) / len(Y_test)
probs = model.predict_proba(X)[:, 0]
    f"train err: {round(train_error*100, 2)}%; test err: {round(test_error*100,2)}%"
plt.scatter(probs, Y, marker="x", alpha=0.1)
ok, so next I'd plan to run
- some tree based models
- SVM 
- Neural Net
And probably I'd try to solve the multi-class version of the problem.
But that's enough for now. 