If you want to understand a concept, then you must explain it / discuss it without referencing that concept.

For instance, suppose you were discussing judgement.

A hypothetical conversation:

JJ: Itā€™s bad to judge people, because it makes you have negative feelings towards them and betrays your values of loving and helping other people. ST: No, itā€™s good to judge people, because it helps you learn what actions you want to avoid, and it also allows you to help other people course-correct when they are doing bad things.


JJ: Oh, now that weā€™re using taboo, I guess what I really meant was that itā€™s bad to label people, because this results in you being negatively oriented towards them, harming both parties. ST: Oh I see. And what I meant was actually that itā€™s useful to appraise peopleā€™s actions and learn ā€” personally and for others ā€” what actions to seek and avoid. JJ: Iā€™m glad we used taboo to see that we actually didnā€™t have differing viewpoints, we just were talking about different things. It wouldā€™ve been rather confusing if we had instead tried to convince the other person that we were right without being on the same page about the concept we were discussing.