This is mostly just a way of keeping track of progress here.

todo: read this:

chapter 0: fundamentals


Just got some practice with pytorch / what is a module.

chapter 1: transformers

#1 Transformer from scratch Transformers are actually pretty simple. The main idea is “residual streams can carry information around”. Attention allows you to copy paste info from other residual streams.

#2 SAEs Model represents more than features in -dim vec space. How does it do this? Intuition (thanks to Gabe for sharing this with me): in high dimensions you can have lots of “nearly orthogonal” vectors.

It’s pretty clear why this is bad for interpretability.

Q: Why would the model do this?
A: More features more power.

I’ve written about this in more length in superposition.

chapter 2: RL

#1 Intro to RL. It was basically just the first couple chapters of intro-to-rl. Talked about bandits, tabular RL, and DP / monte carlo /exact techniques for solving MDPs.

#2 qlearning + DQN